Finally I traveled to ECBACC

The funny thing about the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention (ECBACC) is that I have been trying to get there every  year since I moved to the Philadelphia area. Usually it never failed that something would get in the way. This year year i finally made it and I went plus 3. Me my wife and daughters made it down there Saturday morning for the whole experience. I will say this I am not sure what I was expecting but this as the 11th annual convention and all I will say is that I congratulate it for longevity. I have some business and convention critiques but I will keep those to myself because they may come across as negative for people who don't truly know me and as far as my background in addition to attending a far amount of conventions as a fan, vendor, being an independent creator, having a masters in business management and being an adjunct Professor so I can be objective and speak from my business acumen as well as practical experience.

So like I said I will stick to the positives. One of the biggest being that it is almost in my backyard it's nothing like being close and the other is that it was my youngest daughter's birthday and she likes comic so I figured it would be a treat. The quality of the products represented there was very well. I got to catch up with my Sensi Shawn Alleyne and a few of my old friends from XION. Scott Beach was representing Cronus Comics to the fullest. I reviewed Black Cloud vs Cronus awhile back can't wait to see the new issues. Ground Up Studios was also holding it down I got to talk to my Xavier but somehow I missed Sean Tate. I will have to catch him next time. I got a chance to have a long conversation with Kamau enlightening as always. I really got a chance to check out his wife's jewelry line and she has some nice stuff. I am going to have to get that soapstone turtle off of her. The best part is my girls got some jewelry and I think she and my wife really hit it off. Eric "KNIGHTSEEKER" Cooper was in the building as usual he like most of the people I was reconnecting with are mainstay's at convention in the tri-state area.

Speaking of which come this July Eric is putting together a comic convention of his own in Delaware, check out underroundcomiccon if you are interested. I also got to finally met John Jennings if you haven't picked up a copy of Black Comix you need to check that out an last but not least I ran into the guys from New Paradigm Studios behind the Holmes & Watson kickstarter and comic. It's always good to get out and see independent creators doing there thing. Well time for me to get back on my grind.

Keep Grindin'


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