It's Never A Question of Motivation or Work for me

It's Never A Question of Motivation or Work for me

Journal Entry: Fri May 31, 2013, 1:05 PM

Recently, I have recently gotten comments and question form some longtime friends and associates.
One was in reference to the fact that was my wife's job to motivate me (while she was standing next to me at that) to which I responded that she does and the subject was quickly dropped. The second being I thought you had given up on putting out the next volumes of your sketchbook (paraphrased but it captures the essence) to which the response was nope been steadily working on it. The two recent events really caused me to wonder if that's what the general perception was and I have decided to bring my people up to speed with what has been going down since the beginning of the year and a response and update:

  Wow thus far 2013 has been one heckofva run thus far. Yeah I know stuff happens and it always feels like a lot of it happens to me but this year even more so than normal. When I say it's not all bad there have been some good things that happened as well they are of course in the smaller percentage but good things none the less. Back in January we had a really bad car accident and one of children suffered some significant injuries. Thankfully she is better and looks well on the way to a full recovery form what has been a long and difficult process with the doctors, rehab and legal issues in addition to missing time from school and work. I have had to deal with a number of deaths in my families and while all death is significant these have been especially so. I have also been traveling for work (my Day job) a lot more this year, I have been on several international trips since the beginning of this year.  Some of you guys did know about my recent trip to Germany but due to the nature of the others ones this is the first time I am actually mentioning it outside of very few people. So the Journeyman Artist has been on the road in a few different capacities.

    On the lighter and better side my middle child is graduating this year so that has been taking up a lot of my time (senior activities, prom, graduation planning, campus tours & visits) and rightfully so she is reaching a major milestone in her young life. Staying with the educating theme many of you don't know that I am an Adjunct Professor at Lansdale School of Business for a little over a year and I have taught four classes since January. Not to mention I still have my other part-time retail job that I have held for the past 4 years. I have been able to put the digital version of my first sketchbook Ruff, Rugged, & Raw Volume I on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Drive-Thru Comics. I have also been able to finish several freelance projects and commissions since the beginning of the year as well as working on the second/third volume of my Ruff, Rugged  & Raw sketchbook series which are planned for a 27 July release at Underground Comic Con "Delaware's only scheduled comic convention for 2013". I am currently involved in two ongoing group projects and I have been reworking the previously finished pages for my Legacy Saga graphic novel. All of that I have still managed to champion and support a lot of Kickstarter projects, indie creators and post some things here & there primarily on my blog and Facebook page but I working on synchronizing my web presence a bit more.

    So far it has been a wild ride this year but I'm getting things done. I am just doing them at my own pace in my own time. I figured I just wanted to make sure and remind you that "The Journeyman Artist is always on the grind!"


Ruff, Rugged & Raw Volume: I Sketchbook

Hard Copy available @ IndyPlanet [link]

Digital Copy available @ Amazon [link]

Help keep The Journeyman Artist on da Grind!



  • Mood: Artistic
  • Listening to: The World Is Yours by The Visioneers
  • Reading: The Bean
  • Watching: Time Disappear
  • Playing: Hell, I ain't got no time to Play!?!
  • Eating: Cheese Curls
  • Drinking: Mudslide Coffee

Keep Grindin'


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