Super Ubi Land (Let's Kick It)

"Great news! Super Ubi Land has not only caught the attention of Nintendo, they have approved Notion Games as official developers for the Wii U console! Nintendo enjoyed what they've seen thus far from Super Ubi Land and we hope you will as well.

     Before Super Ubi Land, there was Up Up Ubi  and both are from the talented artist and programmer Andrew "DatboiDrew" Augustin.   I have been a fan of Drew's since back in the MySpace days and I am constantly playing Up Up Ubi on my ipod. drew and his creative team all possess a unique artistic vision fueled by the relentless drive to live their dreams. This is where you and I come in; TeamNotion needs some financial support to help them get Super Ubi Land done. There Kickstarter project is going strong but we want to make sure they hit the mark. If you love classic 2d platform games, dope artwork and classic banging game soundtracks this is the Kickstarter for you. Let's help Indie Creativity stand tall in the land of corporate giants !.


Can Ubi count on you to make it safely back to his home planet? Please check out the Super Ubi Land kickstarter! We appreaciate the Support!
Check out 
And vote for Super Ubi Land on Steam Greenlight!

Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist


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