My reMIND is complete

I love the CTA Stamp (Cool Idea)

 I don't know if any of you remember when I won the contest Jason Brubaker over at  was running for an autographed copy of Volume 1. I posted about winning an autographed copy (I even got a quick sketch of Victuals on the inside cover). Well i was a fan before I won and have been a faithful reader ever since. When I found out about the kickstarter for Volume 2. Well I have been a faithful reader reMind volume 2 was one of the first kickstater projects that I actually took part in funding. Well, yesterday my box from Coffee Table Comics arrived but I was too worn out from work and school by the time I got home to open it. So I took it to work and gave myself a real lunchtime treat. Check out the photos from one happy supporter. If you love a good story & art check out reMIND! Thanks for sharing your dream Mr.Brubaker!

reMIND cover…maybe.
reMIND Volume 1 & 2 Availible for Free Online!

Keep Grindin'


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