Post RocCon PA (The Con before the Storm)

What an interesting situation at RocCon PA this past weekend.  It was truly the Con before the Storm, Sandy definitely made her presence felt. As she steadily made her way up the East Coast the spectre of bad weather mad an impact. While there were brave vendors and attendees the volume definitely took a hit. Alicia did an excellent job keeping everything going and still pulling off a good show. I tried to maximize my time there. I meet some really cool people and fellow creators.

 The guys from 789 Studios were really cool. Dani Kaulakis in full steampunk gear (Representing the Brown Goths to the fullest) great art and the crafts that she had were amazing also. Megan Lavey-Heaton  creator/writer of Namesake and her husband were great also. I got some great insight on Kickstarter from her. Funny thing is I talked to her and it wasn't until I got home and checked out her bio did i realize she is a graduate of The University of Alabama. As a dye hard Auburn fan I know there are definitely more interesting conversations that will come out of that lol. Amazingly enough I met not one but two creators that have successfully funded Kickstater campaigns. Jason Lenox was the second. Jason had some really cool stuff and coincidental we were both working on a piece for my Sensei Shawn Alleyne's Kickstarter project AIZAN: The Demo

It seems no matter how far I go I still run into people who know Shawn and I always take as a good thing. It reminds of how small the Indy circuit and it motivates me to stay on my grind. Also seeing Jason working on his piece really made me step my game up. Just a peek at the inks, mind you this is a cell phone pic
Shawn Alleyne's Aizan WIP Piece

I also got to meet Andy Mylin a great artist and we had a great conversation about a bunch of this related to being on the con circuit and Indy creators. A great deal focusing on family and balancing between them and creating. I look forward to seeing how he decides to move forward with his own stuff. The one other cool thing I got to do was participate in the Art Auction.

The Proud Owner of of Phases of Avatar Piece that was sold at the Art Auction

I have had my "Phases of Avatar" Piece for awhile and I entered it and i really was excited that not only did it sell but it was both by a big Avatar fan.

Last but not least a quick cell phone pic of my latest Legacy Saga Piece. I was also able to get some work done on this while I was at the con. All in all I had a good time, met some cool people, networked and got to have fun doing on of favorite things. After all "Have Skills, Will Travel"

Legacy Saga WIP

Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeyman Shop 


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