GhettoManga Quarterly Digital Download only .99 cents!

 The wait's over... sorta. GhettoManga Quarterly: Undead Celebrities is off to the printers and pre-orders are currently being taken. But you can actually read a digital copy right now!

I got mine and with the handy dandy coupon codes you can get your digital copy of just .99 cents (JMNARTIST99 (digital downloads for 99 cents each) still like the feel of the pages in your fingers use this code to get 10% off your total order before shipping is added (JMNARTIST10 (10% off total order before shipping)

So if you want to rock GhettoManga Quarterly: Undead Celebrities on your iPad , iPhone, Kindle Fire, Nook, Nexus, Laptop or what ever portable electronic reading device now is your click on over to and show your support!

See Below ripped right for the blog of Samax himself !

Get a digital copy of "GhettoManga Quarterly: Undead Celebrities" for just 99 cents!

The wait's over... sorta. GhettoManga Quarterly: Undead Celebrities is off to the printers so I'm ready to take pre-orders. But you can actually read a digital copy right now! Peep a preview and order yours below...

Here's the Sales pitch:
GhettoManga Quarterly Magazine is a comics anthology, street culture magazine, and unpretentious art rag all rolled into one. The "Undead Celebrities" issue of GhettoManga Quarterly is 64 pages, featuring a gallery of artists (including Mike Hawthorne, DTM Flores, Craig FLUX Singleton, and GoldiGold) resurrecting their favorite dearly departed icons for your viewing pleasure.
*"THRILLER" by Howard Russell- The greatest pop star the world has ever seen returns from the grave to fight evil.

*"Zombie Dickheads" Award-winning cartoonist Chris Moreno's clique of undead hipsters say no to brains, but you might still die laughing.

* "The  Retriever" Daniel Fu's genre-bending action comic continues, as Jackson Lau must take on gangsters to brings back his client's missing father.

Get our regular columns: BEGBORROWSTEAL (10 things you definitely need in your life), Corance's Top 5 ("Horror Movies for People Who Used to Love Horror Movies"), and the latest installment of "Movies That Should Be Comics" with art by that dude Khalid BigSteelo Robertson.

Thug Afterlife by Samax Amen
EDITORIAL NOTE: I was really shocked that no one did a Tupac submission (I DID get a nice Biggie Smalls piece by Oladelle Barr, since I know you were wondering), so I did one myself. Also, I had been planning to write a comic story called Thug Afterlife featuring the ghosts of BIG and 2Pac for years but never got around to it... so I figured I should use that name for something, because it's awesome...

I got mine and with the handy dandy coupon codes you can get your digital copy of just .99 cents (JMNARTIST99 (digital downloads for 99 cents each) still like the feel of the pages in your fingers use this code to get 10% off your total order before shipping is added (JMNARTIST10 (10% off total order before shipping)

So if you want to rock GhettoManga Quarterly: Undead Celebrities on your iPad , iPhone, Kindle Fire, Nook, Nexus, Laptop or what ever portable electronic reading device now is your click on over to and show your support!

Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeyman Shop


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