Allow Me To Bring You Up to Speed (It's been awhile)

Well Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Children of all ages,

   It has been quite awhile since i posted a substantial update and many of you are probably have been wondering what has The Journeyman Artist been up too? Well actually quite a bit. First let's go back to to my trip out to San Franciso a few months ago. I was actually on business for my "day" job and since I factored in some down time I did some research on the local comic book scene and i found ISOTOPE.

Most everything I cam across was proclaiming this to be the hottest spot in San Fran for comics. So after a long day of training I figured I would check it out and see what all the fuss was about. Aside from the fact I had two cats roll up on me with the bright idea that they were going to rob me (Come hard or Go Home..nuff said), it was cool stroll taking in the sights along Mission Street enroute to my final destination.

The Main Man James

I walk in the joint and I am greeted by none other than the owner himself, James Sime.It was good time as he showed me all the local indie stuff from the area he had on the second floor. I spread the word about Xion and my Sensei. I dropped off a few copies of Ruff, Rugged and Raw Volume: I and got a bunch of cool books from local artists.
Loot I Picked Up from ISOTOPE

Other than that i have been extremely busy. I am now an Adjunct Professor at Lansdale School of Business, teaching Computer information Systems classes. Which mainly consist of ADOBE based classes (Photoshop, Illustrator, inDesign, Premier, Flash, etc) it been fun so far met a lot of talented students but it is a lot of work. Most of my "free time" has been sucked into class prep and teaching responsibilities.

Although I have been able to do a few things:

I have Ruff Rugged and Raw Volume:I available via Amazon and Drive Thru Comics .

I also have my Author Page up on Amazon as well.

I am working on the formatting and I will have Ruff, Rugged & Raw Volume:I available for the Nook soon.

I realized if I was going to take the plunge and start publishing my stuff as ebook I should have a better publishing presence so I have started branding my publishing branch Back Azimuth Press.
The Logo for my Publishing Branch

All in all I haven't accomplished as much I had planned for the year thus far but I have been grinding my tail off working like crazy, pushing the brand and expanding the reach of the Journeyman. I am still woefully behind on my last freelance commission but I hope to wrap that up really soon. I scrapped my Plains, Trains and Auto-Mobility sketchbook project but the energy and some of the fluidity behind it has transformed my sketchbook project due out 12-21-12 which is Ruff, Rugged and Raw: The Remix. It is still in the works but when it hits it will be available in digital and print. I am not sure what the page will end up being but for me it will be massive compared to the other projects I have published at this point. Sketches, Finished work, personal Pieces and even some of my poetry and possibly lyrics. It is a little different but i am starting to think different is what I do best.

I didn't want to end this with out leaving you guys a taste of what else has still been bubbling through and that is The Legacy Saga is still alive and well and I have a few things is the works for it upcoming and it is/will be dropping next year.

WIP Legacy Saga Promo Piece

Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeyman Shop


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