Xion's own Shawn Alleyne presents his AIZAN: The Demo Kickstarter

Wanted to give my Sensei a big shout out and spread the word for his kickstarter project. Show some love donate, support and spread the word!

Welcome to the next level of the game! X marks the spot! Let's Go!

Rebel. Anarchist. Superhero. Savior. "Aizan, The original hip-hop sci-fi ninja superhero."
  • Launched: Oct 18, 2012
  • Funding ends: Nov 25, 2012
Hi! My name is Shawn Alleyne and I'm a freelance artist who loves to draw and create- doesn't matter what. I'm part of a team responsible for the Street Team Comic Book and Video Game property, and I'm finally creating my first solo project Aizan!.
Track 1: "What is Aizan?"
Aizan is my creator owned property that tells the story of a young woman by the name of Hela St.August, a passionate artist and graffiti activist who lives in a world where as a result of a super-powered war, her city is left devastated. Angry, bitter and rebellious to start with, Hela's life slips into disarray, and with the new emerging superhuman and vigilante community, she begins to feel disgusted by people with powers and views the superhuman community as parasites. Her life turns even more topsy-turvy when she not only discovers that SHE has powers but that she is also heir to a superhero legacy.
Themes of story:  Truth; Heritage; Legacy; Life and Death; Religion; Anarchy; Capitalism
Elements of story: Hip-hop; Sci-fi; Martial Arts; Par-kour; Graffiti; Superheroes

Aizan costume design
Aizan costume design
TRACK 2: "Why Would I Like It?"

Glad you asked. There are many reasons, but chief among them is that I’ve packed all the things that I love into the world of Aizan: a cool story, martial arts, hip-hop aesthetics, ninjas, par-kour, graffiti, crazy mutated angels, super-heroes…and I was always told that when creating, to do what you love, and the audience will follow. This is a story with something for everyone: action, adventure, sci-fi, new takes on vigilantes, as well as themes of truth, mortality, and a sprinkling of social commentary.
In addition, you get a new heroine that will be different from your standard comic book female lead. No gratuitous T&A; an actually personality; and a realistic figure. Aizan will be a new type of hero and I'm putting my all into this.

Aizan displaying her athletic prowess
Aizan displaying her athletic prowess
TRACK 3: "Next Step"
 The plan is to print a specially formatted 64 page over-sized, in depth sketch/comic book, that ties in to the DATE it will be published: December 12th, 2012 (12/12/12). There will be a 12 page original sequential story; a 12 page pin-up section featuring art by 12 amazing guest artists; a 12 page sketch section; a 12 page universe guide section; and a 12 page behind the scenes production section(see the pattern?). All of this will pave the way for the launch of the full Aizan comic planned for next year.
Your support will go towards the printing of Aizan’s debut publication, plus the cool backer rewards and their shipping costs. Any amount over the goal will be used to enhance the Aizan Demo book and print extra copies.
No donation is too small. And even if you can’t donate, spread the word as much as you can, cause remember, if the monetary goal isn’t reached, the project doesn’t get funded.

Aizan promo inked sketch
Aizan promo inked sketch
TRACK 4: "Swag"
Supporting this Kickstarter project will bring you some sweet rewards. On the right side, you will the levels with dollar amounts. By pledging that amount, you will receive the rewards listed in their respective boxes. Every little bit helps. Below is just a small sampling of some of the cool rewards you will receive for your pledge.

Black Aizan trading card
Black Aizan trading card

T-shirt selection.
T-shirt selection.

Aizan sample giveaway sketch
Aizan sample giveaway sketch

Aizan 11x17 Sample Poster
Aizan 11x17 Sample Poster
And there's so much more!
* You can receive copies of the Aizan Demo book
* The EXCLUSIVE Aizan Soundtrack
* Aizan gift pack which includes mugs, keychains, and more!
* Achieve Immortality and become a CHARACTER IN THE AIZAN WORLD!
I also have stretch rewards planned should I surpass my initial funding goal.

Risks and challenges Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Meeting my funding goal is just the beginning. While it will certainly go a long way to helping me complete the project, every project has the potential for setbacks. The Aizan Demo Book is still in development and there are just a few challenges left before it goes to print. The greatest challenge before me is completing the book on schedule and having it mailed out by the end of December 2012.
Once the Kickstarter campaign concludes, I will still have to finish the special thanks section as well as the special commissions. Also, since high-end backers are actually drawn into the book, I can't begin illustrating until this Kickstarter campaign concludes. I have no doubt that Aizan will be completed, the risk here is perhaps getting it out a little later than I anticipated. In addition, Aizan is a project that involves collaborators, and while everyone is working really hard, schedules may sometimes clash and there is the risk of setbacks.
Then, we move on to printing. Although the company I use is extremely efficient and I'm positive of a quick turnaround time, I will first have to examine and sign off on the proofs, and there could potentially be a few delays in that process. In reality, delays in printing are always possible and there is some risk of Aizan coming out a few weeks behind schedule.
Whatever happens, I an committed to finishing Aizan. You guys are my connections. I work for YOU and I want to keep telling stories that entertain. Thank you very much for taking the time to check out my Kickstarter project and I hope you like what you see and will help spread the word! Thank you in advance for your support. :)
- Shawn

Keep Grindin'
 Mike C, The Journeyman Artist
http://twitter.com/JMANARTIST ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeyman Shop http://www.zazzle.com/journeyman


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