Self Motivation

Times have been a little ruff recently for the Journeyman, it just a lot of crap kinda stacked up on me. All is not lost my long awaited sketchbook is about 87.5 percent done. I just have to finish the covers and edit the forward by *asurprise* artist. I am closing in on a table for the Baltimore Comic Con (it will be my first real con behind the table) so things are moving along. I have two stories I am working on making sure I have all the kinks worked out before i start working n both are familiar to those who have been following my work but its time to really put the work in other than that things have been prety ruff two jobs, a masters program, and family life really take a toll on you sometime. Luckily I have my faith and  the gym to help me work out my stress. Anyway, sometime you need to self motivate and this has always helped me keep things in perspective.

 Outkast "Git up, Get out, Get Something"


Keep Grindin'
Mike C, The Journeyman Artist
...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


QPT said…
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."


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