Bronx Heroes Con

 I am going up to the Bronx Heroes Con and if you are in the area you should too! The Xion Group is scheduled to have a table so I will definately have to represent! More Info Below

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May 1st. Bronx Heroes Comic Con 2 @ Hostos College
Its a Free event for all ages, its Hosted by Ray Felix,Gary Camp ,Ed Mouzon and Sponsored by Bronx Council of the Arts. and Hostos College.

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It's a great opporrtunity to meet New York's Indy Comic and mainstream Comic artist.
Buy Comics
or Take a free course
Learn: How to Draw Comics
Secrets to Inking comic Art
Plotting a Script for you Comic
Listen to our panel of Comic Pros and their Strategies to
Self Publishing comics
Finding the right Printer
Fiinding Distribution
Or join our Cosplay Contest and win a prize.
All events are free of cost

To Exhibit contact:


Keep Grindin'
Mike C, The Journeyman Artist
...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


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