Xion for Haiti

From The Xion Group Check it out show your love and lets help Haiti!

So for a while I've been thinking of doing something more to help towards the Haitian disaster besides a basic donation. The thought was to do something with the Xion Group but to be brutally honest, it just seemed too out my abilities. But after talking to a friend, he pretty much put it out there as to how would it be too hard? I didn't have a good enough answer so this is the result:

Wednesday, February 10th 2010

@ Brave New World Comics, Old City
45 North 2nd Street
Philadelphia Pa 19106

Please join The Xion Comic Book Group for a special event designed to aid the many victims of the Haiti disaster. XION FOR HAITI will be a one day benefit to be held at Brave New Worlds on Wednesday, February 10th from 1pm-5pm. This will be a charity event where Xion artists will donate proceeds from any sketch and merchandise you purchase to organizations supporting Haiti relief funds. Any little we can do will be of some help. The Xion Group is a networking body and collective of local artists seeking to use our talents in the most productive way we can, and we hope you can be a part of this important event.

In attendance will be Tysheia Stevenson, Henry Wilson, Shawn Alleyne, David Proch and the dynamic duo of Ben and Jeff Cohen.

Even though everyone isn't able to participate for this event, feel free to come out on that day and show your support. In the meantime, please spread the word to as many as you can. All it takes is a simple "copy and paste".

Thanks all.


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