Marvelous Color

Got a chance to go to NYC on Saturday with my peeps Shawn & Mo to see @ The Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute . I had a great time. Took the Chinaown bus up (don't front it was decent). I'll do it again if I need to the price was right and so was the travel time. Got to meet The Great Eric Battle and N.Steven Harris among other artists, it was really motivating and they were good peeps. Hooked up with a few other Xion members from NY & NJ. All in all a great Sat. So go check out it's well worth it!



Keep Grindin'
Mike C, The Journeyman Artist
...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


Tre Star said…
Wow that was a fun time. I think I was the tallest in the group. Lol. Gotta do that again.

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