Eye Surgery

It seems the little bump I've had under my left decide to hit a growth spurt and start causing pain, right after I made an appointment to see a dermatologist. It went from being kinda interesting to a major pain in no time flat. it turns out it was a cyst and during my visit on Wednesday the Dr. cut it off. With it being so close to the eye he couldn't stitch it, so he burned it to cauterized the wound (ya know there is nothing like the smell of burning flesh, especially when it's your own. So while I waiting for this thing to heal, my eye hurts like hell, and I am having bouts of double vision. So hopefully this will heal soon and the biopsy will come back negative, anyway I seems I will acquire yet another scare to adorn the area around my left eye.


Unknown said…
get well soon!!
Thanks! It was more annoying than anything else. Although it did hurt like a ---*&*(()))))--- well you get the picture.

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