Xion Gathering


I had the opportunity to meet some of the members of the XION Group and Ground Up Studios http://www.groundupstudios.com/ & http://groundupstudios.deviantart.com/ today. It was an awesome experience, truly a group of talented individuals to say the least. I look forward hooking up with them in the future. Phily stand Up! Enjoy the pics and check out more about XION.

Welcome to XION, the newest Philly based Comic Book Networking/Social gathering. This is a group intended to be a haven for those involved in the comic book industry, those who want to be or those who just have a casual interest in the arts. One and all are invited. Whether it be to collab, pass a business card to network or just to hang and meet some other creative, motivated individuals, this is designed with you in mind. Mission Statement?: To build a support group for individuals who are thinking of operating in the comic book industry and those who actually working on that goal, as well as to build strong friendships and possible good future business relationships. To promote the hobby and the artform of comics. Brought together by Philadelphia artist Shawn Alleyne http://pyroglyphics1.deviantart.com/


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