Outta Sight, Outta Mind but still grindin'

I know it's been a minute. Most of you don't know what has been going on. I had to step away from my drafting table while I went back to school. I just finished my MBA from Gwynedd Mercy University, graduation is May 6th, It is not as if I haven't been squeezing little bts and pieces in here and there but nothing of any real substance. I am getting back at it and I have to regain some lost ground and rebuild some artisitist muscles but I am in a good place.

After creating whereever I could cobble my stuff together in a workable set-up I have reestablished my home studio. It is only 2/3rds of the size of my old spac for those who remember it, but it is a blessing to have a creative space at home to work in. A big part of being the Journeyman Artist is that I do a lot of work on the go and he benefits of having a permanent base of creativity is inmeasurable.

So I am getting my bearings, plotting the path forward and getting to work. So that the deal that's why I have been so quiet. Quiet but still grindin, if you look close you can see I have kept working on the Legacy Saga.

Stay on your Grind!


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