Super Brawl! Chronos Vs.Black Cloud: Review

Super Brawl! Chronos Vs.Black Cloud

Created and Written by Scott Beach Pencils by Stanley Weaver Jr. Inks and finishing by Shawn Alleyne Colors and graphic designs by Blair Smith Letters by Katherine Lo Art contributed by Ben Harvey

Cronus vs. Black Cloud is the brief story of Cronus’ encounter with a new possibly unstoppable Super Villain.

It's a great action story (24 pages Full Color) that teases enough of the back story to peak your interest but not overwhelm you. The concept to me is one that hasn’t been explored enough in comics “What if The Super-Powered Nations controlled Super-Powered Beings?”  I mean think about inside of simply depending on satellites, spy-networks, missiles and military might a nation could deploy it's own nationally branded super hero. The book doesn’t answer that question ( it briefly touches on it but doesn't go into depth) and that is what makes me want to see from this storyline. +Scott Beach  has done an excellent job of adding suspense and allowing room to expand upon this story and the universe it resides in. This issues does however allude to some of the epic battles of the past which are made even more interesting with the arrival of Black Cloud. The story with its well paced dialog and dynamic art comfortably move the reader along. Stanley Weaver Jr. and Shawn Alleyne combine to provide some really unique visual story telling, which is further highlighted and enhanced by Blair Smith's colors and Katherine Lo's lettering.  The only negative for me is that it ends on a cliffhanger and I am dying to know what happens next.  The book is available in either digital or print format (see below for more details). I personally downloaded on my Kindle Fire and I will say I have been back over it often. Great job and I am looking forward to the next installment.

DIGITAL COMIC BOOK available  @ Amazon & iBookstore

PRINT available @ IndyPlanet


Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist


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