It Been Long Awhile...The Ugly, The Bad & The Good

Copied from My DeviantArt

Journal Entry: Thu Aug 18, 2011, 4:41 PM
It has really been a long while since I post in my journal. The last 9 months have been absolutely crazy in both good and bad ways.

The Ugly

I lost my job back in November and was out of work until May.

I wasn't able to really get much art done in that time frame (looking for work is harder than actually having a job)

I missed my launch date for Legacy Saga my OC comic

The Bad

I missed pretty much the whole convention season due to financial and family issues.

I missed out on being a part of the Artmada team (I am kinda like the fifth member of the beetles with that lol). Artmada is a group which consists of :iconpyroglyphics1: :iconafromation: :iconishmiel14: :iconstratusx: that put out a book (Which is absolutely sick by the way!) this summer follow the link for more details [link]

The Good

I finished my Masters Degree this summer...finally!!!

I got a few commission pieces done over the my time out of work (One of which may included in a Print Run more to follow on that a little later)

I have started working Ruff, Rugged & Raw: Volume II (volume I is still available [link] hint hint)

I also have a work in progress on Trains, Planes & Auto-Mobility. Its a concept sketchbook that i am still fleshing out but it is gaining a lot of momentum

I have gone back and begun to rework the foundations of my Legacy Saga comic concept to make it better

My other less talked about comic concept Mission Creep also has a lot of WIP progress stuff going on right now

Me and my Sensei have been kicking around a lot of ideas for a collaborative project nothing concert but man has that been really fun just throwing ideas around.

My online presence is picking up again I am definately going to be more active with the purpose of showcasing more work and building the brand. You can always check me out and come along for the ride like me on facebook [link] and/or follow me on twitter [link] or just check out my blog [link]

So there you have it The Ugly, The Bad & The Good! I just wanted to thank all of my close friends here on DA that took the time to check in and check on me. Trust me it has really meant a lot. Well nuff said......back to da grind!

Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist


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