Post Wizard World Philly

The Xion Wrap-up as reported by the man on the scene Shawn Alleyne  :iconpyroglyphics1:

Hot damn I had a great time at the Wizard show this weekend. Everyone thought it was going to a slow show but goshdarnit if it wasn't one the best shows yet, even breaking attendance records I heard. Peace to everyone that came through and supported as well as the wifey and allllll my fellow XION peeps: :icondinomancomics: Ben and Jeff, :iconc-dubbkitari5: Chris, :iconmiracle-angel: Mira, :iconstratusx: Tre, :iconishmiel14: Ish, Eric and :iconblairsmith: Blair.

So of course my camera was acting up for most of the whole weekend. Between that and being crazy busy I didn't get too many pics, missed out on capturing a ton of funny moments and sketches, and didn't get to meet any of the stars that were there-actors and artists. Like Tom Raney, Mike Mckone and tons of independent guys who are such a source of inspiration to me. Maybe next time. \

Regardless I got a few pics you can check out here:


So till next time people.


That's the way to represent family!

traveler Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


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