Help Kick Start The Knight Seeker Project!

Who would have thought that the Knight Seeker project could have come this far?  Eric started with the first novel in 2005.  In 2009 Knight Seeker 2: Crimes of Passion was released and it was the first time we inducted what we would like to call a Caption Novel; having a picture in each chapter as you read along. 
Now our newest venture is the Comic Book of Knight Seeker.  This is our boldest move yet.  The independent staff and I are coming to you today to ask for your support on to help fund the first ever Knight Seeker Comic.  Also in addition to this we need your support for the audio book, and the revamp of novel #1.
There are also rewards that come with your pledges. 
If you guys were looking for more diversity of color in the comic, and the filming industry now is the time to stand and show the world you care.  This project can go big plus it will also open the door for more people of other ethnic diversity to give them hope that if you have a dream you can accomplish anything no matter the color of your skin, or where you come from in this world.
Please join us in this historic journey as we bring Knight Seeker, a powerful and ORIGINAL Black American Superhero character to the forefront of the comic book world.  Many of you have been asking for a change in the entertainment industry, I give you Knight Seeker, and his world of ethnically diverse characters.  I would strongly suggest looking into what we are about, and you will see this is a light in the darkness.

Please send this letter out to anyone you know of after visiting the kickstarter site.

Pledge site is here
More info on Seeker Entertainment is here

traveler Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


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