Bronx Heroes Con Wrap-Up!

The Bronx Heroes Con was pretty cool. Believe or not it was my 1st time behind the table. The Xion crew had a table. I learned a lot from my boy :iconpyroglyphics1: most of it basic do's & don't but the man is a showman and once the doors open he is on his grind in a major way. Definately a nice way to get ready for my Artist Alley  table @ the Baltimore Con ( well I guess the cat is outta da bag now). At the Xion table we had myself, Mira Morningstar, :iconkiadesignz:, :iconpyroglyphics1: and the fabulous Mrs. Monique Epps-Alleyne , proudly waving the XION banner.
Big shout out to :iconjkinlaw: for holding down a prime piece of real estate for the Crew. All in all, it a good con, small but we got to spread the word of XION a little.

Also we had a few members of the Xion Network in attendence was :iconstratusx: :icongroundupstudios: and Knight Seeker author Eric Cooper holding down their individual tables respectively. I got a few pics here and there. Feel free to stop by my Facebook page Mike-Colston-The-JMANARTIST to check them all out! I'll post a few here as a sneak peek.

Don't forget to check out the Bronx Heroes website, they've got a few books out as well.

traveler Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


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