Check out my Independent Creator Article for The Xion Network

I had the opportunity to write an editorial on my thoughts on independent comic book creators in the wake of the whole Marvel Ghost Rider legal battle. The funny thing is I had no clue until right before my article posted that it was Creator Owned Day. I don't think I could have planned it any better. I think it's time to create and promote our our creations. Well let me not spoil it for you follow the link to read the article in its entirety and remember "X Marks da Spot!" 

The Xion Network: March Editorial Letter 2012: Recently, there have been two things that really got me thinking about my art career. The first was a quote from last month’s editorial by t...

Keep Grindin'
Mike C,
The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeyman Shop


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