I love winning

Jason Brubaker over at http://www.remindblog.com/blog/  was running a contest:

Amulet 4 & reMIND Giveaway!

 I have been following his work for a while and thought it would be cool to throw as much support as I could his way and lo and behold I ended up winning.

Just a little proof it pays to help promote other creators. Copied from twitter:

@Jason Brubaker
@JMANARTIST congrats! You are one of the winners of Amulet and reMIND. Plz message me your address by the end of the week to claim them.

Big Thank You and Shout Out to the incredible talented Jason Brubaker please check out his ongoing comic  at http://www.remindblog.com/blog/ and pick up a copy of his book reMIND

from Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/0983114900/ref=cm_sw_su_dp

Keep Grindin'
Mike C, The Journeyman Artist 


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