Baltimore Comic Con Wrap-Up!


Ruff, Rugged & Raw 2010 Sketchbook finally 100% complete.
You Order @ IndyPlanet if you missed me @ The Baltimore Comic Con


The drive down was way too long what should have been a 2 hour drive turned into a 5 hour drive but I had good company. Me :iconjmanartist: & Shawn :iconpyroglyphics1: got to catch up on a bunch of stuff and we found out we have very similar taste in music. I have been known to bust his chops about his knowledge of old school hip-hop but he was right on pint with some of the lesser know classics, he really shocked me when “Deeper” by Boss (If you don’t know Google it) met JP, Adrienne, and Logan our gracious hosts really good people definitely made it feel like we were with family the whole weekend and I even got an extra bonus because JP is a former Marine, Semper Fi! Nothing beats hanging out with a fellow Devil Dawg.

Got to the Convention Center Sat & Sun without a hitch got set up no major hiccups. I was pretty nervous at this point but I got through it. The doors opened and the floor was flooded the line was wrapped around the building until almost 2 o’clock. My 1st time behind the table was a blast. We got a good amount of foot traffic and plenty of lookey-loos. Got to finally meet Will :iconafromation: he was at the table behind us and he is definitely a cool dude, great artist. A quick shout out to a few people :iconpaigey: great to have met you neighbor, Antonio Clark :iconlarthosgrr8: definitely got your grind on and thanks for the tips, Danny Cruz :icondannycruz: I am big fan nice to put a face with the artwork, Them cool cats out of Charlotte [link] & I know I am missing one, My man Jack [link] was on the guerilla grind, no table just a hustler with a backpack and a portfolio (thanks for the kind words about me & Shawn in your Baltimore wrap-up). Also on the guerilla grind Eric Cooper and Blair :iconblairsmith: pushing KnightSeeker (ya know I had to break a lil bread to pick the 1st issue variant up)and who who could forget the Brothers Cohen Ben and Jeff :icondinomancomics: holding it down at the Brain Food booth. :iconthuddleston: :icongwdill: I didn't forget about you guys!I many more awesome people and if you don’t see your name don’t think I forgot about I am doing this with my card book and program where I had my notes. I just didn’t want anymore time to past before I posted my wrap-up.

Some con Highlights for me I sold my 1st copy of my sketchbook (Nothing as good as the 1st time) I met Billy Tucci, me and Shawn got a couple of pics with him. Then I'm behind the table head down sketching and I feel this presence I peek up and there is Brian Pulido standing there checking out the table. Really cool guy he even came around the back so I could get a pic with him. Cory Smith out of Chicago was a true highlight the things he was able to create with a #2 pencil are simply just sick and a real nice guy talked to him for awhile. All in all I had a blast the people in the industry that I had the good fortune to meet were all approachable and I got some good advice from quite a few.

I can honestly say I didn’t have a one bad experience at the con. As I told a guy Sunday afternoon when he asked me how I was making out. I told him “I was having a ball!” He commented you must be selling a lot of stuff. I told him” I really hadn’t sold much merchandise or even got any commissions” and he looked puzzled so I told him “Me having a ball and selling a bunch of stuff are not dependant on each other , I could be selling a bunch of stuff and be having a miserable time” he just walked away shaking his head. Don’t get me wrong I would like to have sold more and recouped my costs, posted a profit, generated some capital to reinvest in the business (hey I figured I would give you some business speak so you know I am paying attention in my Masters program lol) But I got to test the waters see what works, what doesn’t work, work my table and still squeeze in being a fan boy. That situation is win, win!

Okay off the soap box, the ride back was pretty decent. I was glad to be home until I got there. Baltimore was my high, the current drama at the crib is my low point.

I have been really blessed over my time @ the convention and as I unpack I will be reaching out making sure I keep in touch with my new friends. The Journeyman Artist is staying on the grind and I think you should too!

Pending Collabs

:iconpyroglyphics1: Done Color

:iconstratusx: Done Ink Color

:iconchalyward: Color


Ruff, Rugged & Raw 2010 Sketchbook finally 100% complete.
You Order @ IndyPlanet if you don't catch me @ The Baltimore Comic Con





  • Mood: Optimism
  • Listening to: Madvillian
  • Reading: Heavy Starch
  • Watching: Afro Samurai
  • Playing: No Time to Play Headed to Baltimore Today!
  • Eating: popcorn
  • Drinking: red Koolaid
traveler Keep Grindin' Mike C, The Journeyman Artist ...and don't forget to stop by The Journeymans' Shop


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